Counselor’s Corner » Counselor’s Corner

Counselor’s Corner


I am here to help you in any way I can. If you need me, please fill out the virtual check-in or counseling referral form below. In addition, you are welcome to call me anytime during my office hours. I am usually available from 7:30-4:00 on weekdays when school is in session. If you need immediate assistance outside of regular office hours, you may call the Mental Health Services Administration Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). They can put you in touch with an agency to help you no matter your age or insurance coverage. They are open 24 hours a day. If you or your student are feeling anxious about the current COVID-19 quarantine, text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor.

Virtual Check-In

Please use the link below to check in with Mrs. Hornbuckle

Counseling Referral Form

5 Tips for Successful Home learning

Welcome to the Counselor’s Corner

Redwater Elementary School

Kim Hornbuckle

School Counselor

GT Coordinator

[email protected]

903.671.3425 x 1400 

 Counseling lesson

Please click below to enter Mrs. Hornbuckle’s virtual counseling office.

What do you need to register your child?

  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card
  • Proof of Residency (example: utility bill in your name)
  • Immunization/Shot Records
  • Name of previous school/ last report card
  • Parent/Guardian Driver's License

Please bring all of the required documentation for your child to begin attending classes. Thank you!

The L’s of Parenting
By Leah Davies, M.Ed. 

1. LOVE your child. For your child to be successful, he or she must feel valued. Your gentle touches, smiles, and hugs communicate love.

2. LOOK for the good in your child and make specific comments on what he or she does well. You must believe in your child’s worth before he or she can believe it.

3. LISTEN without judgment to your child express his or her thoughts and feelings. If you do not listen, your child may attempt to gain your attention by misbehaving.

4. LAUGH with your child, not at him or her. Laugh and play together.​

5. LABOR diligently and with pride so that your child will want to work hard and do his or her best.

6. LEARN new information. Take the time to read and learn new things and thus instill a love of learning.

7. LEAVE the television and other media off.  Many programs and video games desensitize your child towards violence and contribute to fearfulness and aggression. Place computers in central locations to monitor internet use. 

8. LIVE life to its fullest. Take pleasure in little things. Read, pretend, dance, sing, take walks, play games, have pleasant meals, look at photos, share dreams, and enjoy each other.